Travelling in the Footsteps of the Impressionists

Category Impressionists

Stunning Impressionist Art-Monet Exhibitions in 2023

Must See Impressionist Art-Monet Exhibitions Around The World For all fans of 19th century French Impressionism art & in particular, the giant of them all – Claude Monet, below is a comprehensive list of Monet exhibitions all over the world… Continue Reading →

Berthe Morisot Paintings at the Musee Marmottan Monet

Stunning Berthe Morisot Paintings at the Musee Marmottan Monet For some strange reason, the Musee Marmottan Monet is overlooked by so many travelers & art lovers. It certainly does not get the overwhelming crowds of the Musee D’Orsay. This museum… Continue Reading →

Timeless, Beautiful Edgar Degas Art

Edgar Degas Art – His Stunning Renditions of the Paris Ballet Opera Edgar Degas was a French artist of the 19th century. Although not strictly an impressionist painter himself, he aligned himself with the impressionists and exhibited with them. The… Continue Reading →

FAQs about the Amazing French Impressionists

Frequently asked Questions about the 19th Century French Impressionists This article answers all the frequently asked questions about the most beloved 19th century French Impressionists. Here you will learn where impressionism originated, who the impressionists were, their art style and… Continue Reading →

Mary Cassatt’s Famous Paintings & Feminism

The Feminist Message Behind Mary Cassatt’s Famous Paintings Mary Cassatt (1844 U.S. —1926, France) Mary Cassatt was born into the wrong century. As a female in the 19th century, she was expected to marry and have children. However, Mary Cassatt… Continue Reading →

Must See Berthe Morisot Artworks at the Musee D’Orsay

Berthe Morisot – The 19th Century Female Impressionist If you are a fan of Berthe Morisot’s artworks, then you must visit two fantastic art museums in Paris. The Musee Marmottan Monet and the Musee D’Orsay. The Musee Marmottan Monet owns… Continue Reading →

Claude Monet’s Most Famous Impressionism Artworks

The Stories behind Claude Monet’s Famous Impressionism Artworks The articles below will take you on an artistic journey to the many places captured in Claude Monet‘s artwork. You will read about the places where Monet lived and loved to paint…. Continue Reading →

Five Beautiful & Famous Berthe Morisot Paintings

Five Famous Berthe Morisot Paintings You Should Know! Impressionism Snapshots of 19th Century Paris Berthe Morisot (1841-1895) was a French impressionist painter and one of the very few female artists who belonged to the inner circle of the impressionists. She… Continue Reading →

Five Wonderful Edouard Manet Paintings

Edouard Manet Paintings – Snapshots of 19th Century France Édouard Manet was a famous Realism and French impressionism painter in the 19th century. Like the other impressionism painters, Manet often painted with loose brushstrokes, leaving out minor details in the subject… Continue Reading →

Free Online Lectures About Claude Monet

Free Online Lectures about the Impressionism Giant Claude Monet Wow!! The world as we know it has totally changed in the past few weeks. We are all experiencing a period like no other as we deal with the invisible coronavirus!… Continue Reading →

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