Fabulous Historical Fiction Recommendations About the French Impressionists Below is a list of our top historical fiction recommendations about the revolutionary French impressionists and post-impressionists. Lie on your bed or on your favorite couch & go back in time to… Continue Reading →
A Fabulous Non-Fiction Book Set in Paris called: Shocking Paris by Stanely Meisler The Fascinating Story of the Jewish Painters in the Paris Post-Impressionism Era Shocking Paris: Soutine, Chagall and the Outsiders of Montparnasse by Stanley Meisler is a fabulous… Continue Reading →
Into the Darkness Laughing – A Great Read about the Wife of Modigliani-Jeanne Hebuterne The book called: Into the Darkness Laughing focuses on the story of the common-law wife of Modigliani, Jeanne Hebuterne. It is through Jeanne Hebuterne’s eyes, that… Continue Reading →
Amazing Irving Stone Books about Very Famous Artists Irving Stone wrote three amazing books about the lives of famous artists: Vincent Van Gogh in Lust for Life, Michelangelo in The Agony and the Ecstasy and Camille Pissarro in Depths of… Continue Reading →
Great Historical Fiction Books about the Tragic Life of Van Gogh Vincent Willem van Gogh was a Dutch post-impressionism artist. In his lifetime, Van Gogh sold one painting only. This frustrated him and he felt that he was an absolute… Continue Reading →
Francoise Gilot’s Fantastic Memoir “Life With Picasso” Francoise Gilot’s memoir “Life With Picasso” is a novel of her decade-long relationship with the legendary artist, Pablo Picasso. During these years they also had two children together, Claude and Paloma. Gilot provides… Continue Reading →
A Must Read Book about Vincent Van Gogh Called Sunflowers by Sheramy Bundrick “Sunflowers” is loosely based historical fiction book about Vincent Van Gogh, the Dutch post-impressionism painter . The author, Sheramy Bundrick , who is also a professor in… Continue Reading →
Victorine Meurent – The Muse, Musician & Painter Victorine, a novel by Drema Drudge, tells the amazing story of Victorine Meurent, Edouard Manet’s favorite model. This first-person story captures a time and place from the unlikeliest of sources – the… Continue Reading →
A Wonderful Historical Fiction Story: Dancing for Degas by Kathryn Wagner “Dancing for Degas” is a wonderful historical fiction story set in Paris, during the glamorous Belle Epoque era. Behind the facade of glitz, wealth, culture and industrial growth, Paris… Continue Reading →
Eva Gouel – Picasso’s Early Lover Madame Picasso is a wonderful art historical fiction book about Picasso and his relationship with Eva Gouel. Not only does the story capture the relationship and love story between the unlikely two, the book… Continue Reading →
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