A Fabulous Non-Fiction Book Set in Paris called: Shocking Paris by Stanely Meisler The Fascinating Story of the Jewish Painters in the Paris Post-Impressionism Era Shocking Paris: Soutine, Chagall and the Outsiders of Montparnasse by Stanley Meisler is a fabulous… Continue Reading →
The School of Paris – Art Created by Jewish Immigrant Artists Paris was the epicenter of the art world in the 19th and 20th centuries, attracting artists from all over the globe. Any artist dreaming of making a name in… Continue Reading →
The Breathtaking Marc Chagall Stained Glass Windows Marc Chagall was a Russian-French artist and one of the most important and influential artists of the 20th century. Although born and grew up in a small Belarus village, Chagall spent most of… Continue Reading →
Susan Vreeland’s Novel “Lisette’s List” Transports you to Roussillon Provence Roussillon Provence is the setting of Susan Vreeland’s magnificent art historical fiction novel “Lisette’s List”. The book transports you into Provencal countryside during the 1930s and the gloomy years of… Continue Reading →
The Flight Portfolio – An Incredible WW2 Story Julie Orringer writes a wonderful WW2 historical fiction book called “The Flight Portfolio”. “The Flight Portfolio” is about a real life, hardly-known hero called Varian Fry. Fry is a young American journalist… Continue Reading →
Where to find Marc Chagall Art Exhibitions in 2023 around the World For fans of Marc Chagall art, below is a comprehensive list of scheduled exhibitions around the world in 2020. Please share with us your feedback if you visit… Continue Reading →
Vence Tourism Gems: The Post Impressionism Trail Vence is a charming medieval town in the French Riviera. It is located up in the mountains, far removed from the maddening crowds of the seaside towns. Was this the drawing card for… Continue Reading →
The Incredible Mainz Church with Chagall Windows Mainz city’s claim to fame is being Germany’s wine capital and home of the printing press. However there is another major draw card that lures the crowds big time to Mainz. This place… Continue Reading →
Ceret France & The Impressionists Ceret, France is a lovely medieval city located just a stepping stone away from the Spanish region of Catalonia. It is set in the beautiful foothills of the Eastern Pyrenees and is only an hour… Continue Reading →
Knesset: Israel Parliament & Marc Chagall The Israeli Knesset is located in Jerusalem and is the home of the Israeli government. However less known and also one of Jerusalem’s best kept secrets, are the incredible Marc Chagall tapestries and mosaics… Continue Reading →
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