Must See Impressionist Art-Monet Exhibitions Around The World For all fans of 19th century French Impressionism art & in particular, the giant of them all – Claude Monet, below is a comprehensive list of Monet exhibitions all over the world… Continue Reading →
Five Famous Claude Monet Paintings in the Musee D’Orsay If you are a fan of Claude Monet and his artworks, then you must visit two fantastic art museums when traveling to Paris. The Musee Marmottan Monet and the Musee D’Orsay…. Continue Reading →
Free Online Lectures about the Impressionism Giant Claude Monet Wow!! The world as we know it has totally changed in the past few weeks. We are all experiencing a period like no other as we deal with the invisible coronavirus!… Continue Reading →
Ten Most Famous Monet Paintings that the World Adores! Claude Monet was a famous French artist of the 19th century. His painting entitled Impression, Sunrise gave the name to the revolutionary impressionism art movement. Together with other like-minded artists, the… Continue Reading →
Claude Monet’s house in Argenteuil will open its doors in 2021 Argenteuil has announced that by 2021, the former Claude Monet house will open its doors to the public. The Argenteuil municipality purchased this building in 2003 and restored it… Continue Reading →
Do You Know The Different Claude Monet Painting Series Claude Monet is famous for founding the impressionism art movement in the 19th century. He is also very well known for painting a subject over and over again. These groups of… Continue Reading →
The Beginnings of the French Impressionist Art Movement It was in the late 19th century that the impressionist art movement emerged. This new avant garde movement was not accepted initially in the Paris art world. In fact, for quite a… Continue Reading →
Auguste Renoir Masterpiece – Luncheon of the Boating Party Even if you are indifferent to impressionism art, you will probably still be familiar with the very famous Renoir masterpiece: Luncheon of the Boating Party. This painting is practically the “Mona… Continue Reading →
The Impressionists’ Famous Landscape Paintings of Ile de la Grande Jatte Although Ile de la Grande Jatte is a tiny island, it inspired the great impressionism painters. Some of their most famous landscape paintings are located here! The most well-known… Continue Reading →
The River Seine Paintings – Capturing French life on the river in the 19th century The vast amount of river Seine paintings indicates that the impressionists never tired of capturing it’s flow and colors. Claude Monet, Pierre Bonnard and Berthe… Continue Reading →
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