Travelling in the Footsteps of the Impressionists

Tag Soutine

A Wonderful Book Set in Paris by Stanley Meisler

A Fabulous Non-Fiction Book Set in Paris called: Shock­ing Paris by Stanely Meisler The Fascinating Story of the Jewish Painters in the Paris Post-Impressionism Era Shocking Paris: Sou­tine, Cha­gall and the Out­siders of Montparnasse by Stan­ley Meisler is a fabulous… Continue Reading →

The School of Paris-Art in the Post-Impressionism Era

The School of Paris – Art Created by Jewish Immigrant Artists Paris was the epicenter of the art world in the 19th and 20th centuries, attracting artists from all over the globe. Any artist dreaming of making a name in… Continue Reading →

Chaim Soutine-Paintings of Torment & Pain

Chaim Soutine Paintings of a Troubled Soul Chaim Soutine paintings are extremely expressive of his inner turmoil and volatile moods. He tended to use strong, bold colors, while distorting his subjects. His paintings often portrayed elements from his Jewish heritage,… Continue Reading →

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